Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Halo Wars

So has any of the person that reads my blog still seen this new game Halo Wars? I don't know about playing a Real-Time Strategy on an Xbox 360 and all, but the game design looks pretty good and well thought out. Watcha think?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw the trailer for it....*shrug* I don't trust playing an rts on a console

9:17 AM, October 17, 2006  
Blogger Annihil8or said...

yah I still kinda feel like to play an RTS I'm gonna need my keyboard to do everything I want at the same time. i'm sure they're gonna make it work, trailer looks badass.

8:33 AM, October 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suppose they will do what it takes to make the game sufficiently playable on the Xbox 360. However, I think an RTS game like this belongs on a PC. PC RTSs offer more intuitive UIs and overall better gameplay experience than consoles.

9:36 PM, March 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a gameplay video shown at E3, and there was nothing in the video that I've never seen before. The fact that it's trying to be a PC-style RTS with a top-down/bird's eye view of the battlefield is pretty sad, and I know how the controls will be like even though I've never played Halo Wars; limited and restricting.

RTS is a genre best played on the PC, with a mouse and keyboard. I thought Halo Wars would have had hope if it didn't use the traditional centralized cursor in a pitiful attempt at translating the controls of what would be a PC-style game into a console's gamepad and tried a revolutionary, new control scheme like EndWar's voice-activation system, but alas, that is not so. Halo Wars is doomed to be a game that can never achieve its potential because not only will it have mediocre controls, but it's also an uninspired, uninnovative game.

1:05 PM, September 04, 2007  
Blogger Annihil8or said...

Ya I downloaded the E3 video on my 360. They've got some interesting ideas on how to translate RTS onto a console. I'm not sure if they're going to have the fan base to effectively build a game like this though.

8:00 PM, September 19, 2007  

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