Tuesday, June 20, 2006


So I've pretty much discussed everything that is really noteworthy about Halo 2. If you are visiting for the first time I would recommend reading from the bottom to the top.

I haven't been playing Halo 2 anymore after MLG Dallas, and I haven't even been playing Halo 1 since we got home. Too much stuff going on with working and school.


Blogger Annihil8or said...


9:10 PM, June 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't know where else to post this so I did it here.

I've always been concerned with the realism of Halo 2. You have already pointed out in your blog the lunging problem, sword problems, and grenade explosion problems with bodies and weapons. But what about other realism ideas?

One of the biggest rants about Halo 1 I remember is the shotgun being too effective at longer ranges. I remember these rants being spoken by kids with comb-overs, and "I <3 Linus Torvalds" shirts, people who have never shot a real shotgun in their life. I must ask Bungie, why does the shotgun have 13X the spread of a modern day shotgun? Are your bullets made of ice that vaporize after leaving the muzzle of the weapon?
It is a common myth in the gaming community that shotguns are only effective in very close range when in real life they can be effective to much further ranges. I have yet to see a hunter strap on a jet-pack so he can fly up and shoot birds from 2 feet away. Halo 1 had the shotgun right.

Another thing is the recoil of the SMGs. How is it that the MC can flip 66 ton tanks upright but can't hold down the recoil of an SMG with bullets the size of .22 LR? Why is it that players that use short controlled bursts with the SMGs aren't rewarded with greater accuracy? The AR rewarded you for short controlled bursts.

Another big rant is how unrealistic the Halo 1 pistol is. Well, the thing fires 12.7mm rounds (.50 cal, 1/2 inch) high explosive, semi-armor piercing rounds. Ask any gun buff on the damage this type of round would cause and they will tell you it will be a massive hole and a direct shot to the chest or head would mean almost certain death. People say it is unrealistic that a pistol does this much damage when in reality, we already have pistols as powerful as the Halo 1 pistol. Look at the Desert Eagle and Smith & Wession 500 for example.

11:18 PM, May 30, 2007  
Blogger Annihil8or said...

I understand many of your gripes with the game, specifically the spray of the SMG. I felt this feature was stupid, and was obviously an attempt to reduce "spray and pray" gameplay.

I've never really had a problem with the realism of halo, or the lack thereof. Halo isn't a realism based game. You are a spartan from a futuristic world. It isn't rainbow six, or counterstrike for that matter. I really don't have a problem with the shotgun being a short range gaming mechanic. The vast majority of people playing these games (i.e. 10 year old kids) have never shot a gun, let alone a shotgun and don't understand how they work, let alone how they behave. One realism problem I continually have with shooters is that every time a player pulls out a pistol which uses a clip they always cock the slide, regardless of the fact that it may have just been used, and is therefore loaded. This annoyed me in H1 and I noticed it recently in Shadowrun.

7:11 PM, June 05, 2007  

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