Monday, May 01, 2006

Failures For Gods

I've already discussed my belief that Halo was an accident in creation by the Bungie staff, I think there is a mental misconception that Bungie creates with absolute perfection. Short article on a few things I've noticed.

I've seen footage that is 4 years old of my friends playing Halo of them using strictly Assault Rifles. CTF Hang Em High, Damnation TS, everything. When they recorded the games (onto a VHS through the VCR) they thought they were really good, like they were about as good as people would get at Halo. It wouldn't surprise me if following all the testing before the H1 release if Bungie thought that is what the best players would play like as well: running around like idiots tapping their AR's scraping off their opponents shields.

I remember reading one of the weekly updates a little while before the November 9th release of H2, I remember it saying something to the effect of "the needler is new and improved, you'll actually want to pick it up!" What is beyond me is the type of gaming that was going on in the Bungie offices for the needler to be a useful weapon. I had abandoned hope of ever using the needler in a serious game about 15 minutes after midnight that evening. If you were honestly killing people with needlers then they must be HORRIBLE at the game, and the fact that those people created it is scary.

Does anyone remember how crappy the BR was before the 1.1 update? I can't understand how that the 10 foot spread of the bullets was envisioned as a sufficnet weapon for effective gaming. I guess the image of good gameplay they had in mind was everyone running around holding plasma rifle/needler dual-wield like idiots.

Why is it that my character routinely gets blown across the map by grenades when I die but guns only move like 2 1/2 inches when a grenade blows up next to them? I don't know, maybe for some reason guns can't be moved by explosions but a huge spartan metal armored suit is extremely susceptible. If that isn't a continuity design flaw then I don't know what is.

Are my articles too long? Cause I figured there would be alot more people with something to say about the oddball spawn part of my last article. I don't know, maybe it's only a big deal to me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one is posting replies because you can't argue with facts. Pretty much everything in each post is right on the money.

12:40 PM, May 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have AIM? I am interested in writing an article, or at least relaying some perplexing game data information you could base an article on

7:39 PM, May 02, 2006  
Blogger Annihil8or said...

posting as anonymous with no info doesn't exactly help me get in touch with you now does it? I'd like to hear your thoughts on the game. E-mail me at

8:23 PM, May 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, good point

12:23 PM, May 03, 2006  

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