Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Halo 2 Noobified

The following is a video displaying a few differences between H1 and H2. I like most of the stuff shown in the video, however some of the stuff is kinda dumb, such as the how they did the plasma rifle test. The footage showing the bullet-pull and sniper auto-aim is interesting. The breakdown between the 3-shot and the plasma pistol/BR combo is pretty cool too. Kinda ties in with my last article. Enjoy.


Blogger Annihil8or said...


11:29 AM, April 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've read through all Reality's posts...And yet it seems he still doesn't grasp the concept that Halo 2 doesn't take as much skill as Halo 1 to play. Just to let you in on something "Halo 1 will always take more skill anyway you want to look at it."


12:59 AM, April 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually I agree with you on that point, of course it requires more skill. It's tougher to play, the melees don't lunge, the jumping isn't as "floaty", the auto-aim isn't as apparent, and the weapons are so un-balanced that players all run around with the best weapon in the game. Of course more skill is necessary, and I love Halo 1.

But the route Halo 2 took doesn't mean that "Skill" can't be explored in other concepts. Halo 2 is amazingly fun on its own merit, and most users differ in skill because since everything is actually balanced, and there is far more potential to do better once jumps, maps, and weapons have been practiced with, the game has enormous replay value in terms of challenge and gameplay.

With Halo 1, the game is fun as it is, but the field of skill used there is far more narrow than that able to be used in Halo 2. Skilled players in Halo 2 must be adept at jumping, map layout, weapon layout, weapon use (Every weapon in the game can be utilized expertly, as opposed to the simple use of the pistol, sniper, and rocket launcher in Halo 1), vehicle use, grenade use, etc., all the way down to grenading weapons to you.

It depends on how you look at it basically, and if you want to measure skill on twitch-sensitive controls, then so be it, and I'll gave Halo 1 that. But were you to judge the games on actual gameplay, and the amount to be learned and used there, Halo 2 takes the cake easily.

2:46 PM, April 20, 2006  
Blogger Annihil8or said...

Ok, I'll touch on one point of this argument, as I guess I'm going to have to do an article about the other major part.

Player skill development. Prince is correct when saying that player development is a result of the benefits of Xbox Live. The true devlopment of possibilities and strategy opportunities are quickly fleshed out on Live through variations in opponents, and communication with new teammates and friends. The true professional development of pros in Halo 1 took YEARS. The first time many teams saw anyone timing was the TDT-DM CTF Battle Creek game at Halo 50K in April 2003, although most people casually watching the video wouldn't even recognize the timing. This was a year and a half after the game was released. Even at this point the teams that played TDT were completely demolished. TDT at that time was lightyears ahead of any opponent, including DM in the finals. As time went on people learned more tricks (nading rockets in Damnation, instant Invis, Snipes on HH) but were limited without a gaming forum like Live.

10:34 AM, April 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RRX=Cheating. I wish that kid got Banned..haha

I wish Halo 2 had less glitches..Halo had less, but there wers till many..and that's what caused me to stick to campaign in Halo 1 (except the fact that I didn;t know of Xbc and noone played LANs here..)

6:20 PM, April 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:36 PM, April 25, 2006  

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