Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Finish The Fight

Today Bungie released the announcement trailer for Halo 3. While the video showed absolutely no gameplay or in-game footage it did fulfill its intended purpose: build anticipation. The footage and location rendering looks extremely sharp and the effects are very smooth. There is essentially no action until about a minute into it when the masterchief graces the screen with his presence.

The most exciting part of the trailer itself is the fact that the chief was holding an Assault Rifle, Halo 1 style. Every advertisement and poster I remember for Halo: Combat Evolved had the masterchief holding the AR. The only question I have is whether or not he has a pistol in his back pocket ^_^. Atleast someone is reading my blog, wink wink, nudge nudge. Here are a few images of chief with the assault rifle, the High-resolution one is from Bungie's site, and the other two I captured myself from the video.

The music throughout the trailer sounds very familiar, with the overtones of the piano in a style reminiscent of Final Fantasy. It does however fit with the previous feel of the musical overtones of the Halo genre.

I don't really like the way the new "3" logo looks, it appears washed out and doesn't have the 3D effect of the "2" logo in the Halo 2 trailer. However the release of the trailer is pretty cool, I can't wait to see some gameplay.

-Oh I forgot the cardinal rule to blogging - post numerous links to sites of importance such as Bungie.net and the trailer announcement.


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9:17 PM, May 10, 2006  

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